Subterranean games are an underground hit with players! Literally - because they all take place underground. Who doesn't love spelunking through dark, twisty tunnels filled with monsters and mystery? It's like going on a bad camping trip, except you can't see the stars and you might get eaten by a giant worm. But hey, that's all part of the fun! On this site, you'll find a well-picked list of the top subterranean games, guaranteeing hours of fun and frustration as you navigate through the depths. You'll love the heart-pumping excitement of battling enemies in the shadows, and the thrill of discovering hidden treasures in dark corners. Just be careful not to get lost - or worse, cave in the whole place! Subterranean games may be a little dark and damp, but they're the perfect escape from the boring real world. So grab your flashlight and your courage, because adventure awaits underground!

Games like Descent


  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PC, Console, Mac
  • Release: 1995
  • Rating: 9.1/10

Games like Spelunky


  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PC, PS Vita, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, Switch
  • Release: 2013
  • Rating: 8.5/10

Games like Dungeon Keeper

Dungeon Keeper

  • License: Commercial
  • Platforms: PC, iPhone / iPad, Android
  • Release: 1997
  • Rating: 8.4/10

Games like Metroid Fusion

Metroid Fusion

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: Wii U, Switch
  • Release: 2002
  • Rating: 8.2/10

Games like Phantom Dust

Phantom Dust

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: Xbox 360, Console, PC, Xbox One
  • Release: 2004
  • Rating: 8/10

Games like Dungeon Keeper 2

Dungeon Keeper 2

  • License: commercial
  • Platforms: PC
  • Release: 1999
  • Rating: 8/10

Games like Super Motherload

Super Motherload

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PS4, PS3, PC, Mac
  • Release: 2013
  • Rating: 7.4/10

Games like Metro 2033

Metro 2033

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: PC, Xbox 360, Console, PS4, Switch, Mac
  • Release: 2010
  • Rating: 7.3/10

Games like Waking Mars

Waking Mars

  • License: commercial
  • Platforms: PC, iPhone / iPad, Android, Mac
  • Release: 2012
  • Rating: 7/10

Games like Dig Dug: Digging Strike

Dig Dug: Digging Strike

  • License: n/a
  • Platforms: DS
  • Release: 2005
  • Rating: 6/10