Here you find games that are similar to Actua Golf 3. Games like Actua Golf 3 are shown below. The sorting is based on similarity which is highlighted on the left side.
Rating: 7/10
Platforms: PC, PS3
Release: 1998
In this list you find games that are similar to Actua Golf 3 without any filter. The sorting is based on similarity which you see on the left side.
#1 John Daly's ProStroke Golf
#2 Links 2003
#3 Links 386 Pro
#4 Links LS 2000
#5 Links LS 1998 Edition
#6 Rory McIlroy PGA Tour
#7 Jack Nicklaus 4
#8 Vijay Singh Pro Golf 2005
#9 PGA Tour Golf II
#10 PGA Tour Golf
#11 Pro 18: World Tour Golf
#12 True Golf Classics: Waialae Country Club
#13 British Open Championship Golf
#14 True Swing Golf
#15 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000
#16 Nick Faldo's Championship Golf
#17 True Golf Classics: Wicked 18
#18 Golf
#19 Microsoft Golf 1998 Edition
#20 Swingerz Golf
If you want to play a game like Actua Golf 3 on your iOS system, so on iPhone or iPad, here is a list of five games that may fit.
Neo Turf Masters
Clap Hanz Golf
Tiger Woods PGA Tour (Series)
Let's Golf! 2
World Class Leader Board
If you are searching for a game like Actua Golf 3 for your Android device like tablet or smartphone, this list may be interesting for you.
Neo Turf Masters
Hot Shots Golf 2
Let's Golf! 2
Flick Golf
Desert Golfing
Here you find a list of games like Actua Golf 3 that are playable on your Xbox or Xbox One.
Rory McIlroy PGA Tour
Neo Turf Masters
3D Ultra MiniGolf Adventures
Powerstar Golf
The Golf Club
Here you find a list of games like Actua Golf 3 that are playable on your Playstation 3,4 or 5.
Rory McIlroy PGA Tour
Neo Turf Masters
Everybody's Golf
Hot Shots Golf 2
The Golf Club