License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC
Release: 2014
Rating: 8.4/10
cards strategy / tactics top-down-perspective turn-based board fantasy deckbuilding card battle tabletop trading / collectible card singleplayer asynchronous multiplayer multiplayer hand-drawn science-fiction strategy tactical local multiplayer 2d pvp casual story rich
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac, Switch, iPhone / iPad, Android
Release: 2019
Rating: n/a
cards fantasy strategy / tactics 1st-person-perspective turn-based trading / collectible card point and select deckbuilding strategy board turn-based strategy casual tabletop solitaire 2d colorful hand-drawn pvp crafting 4 player local multiplayer singleplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, iPhone / iPad, PS4, Xbox One
Release: 2021
Rating: 7.4/10
cards fantasy card battle deckbuilding trading / collectible card tabletop board turn-based strategy strategy turn-based turn-based tactics multiplayer pvp pve nonlinear dark fantasy 2d
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 2021
Rating: 8.6/10
cards strategy fantasy strategy / tactics fixed / flip-screen turn-based trading / collectible card turn-based strategy (tbs) point and select turn-based strategy deckbuilding card battle multiplayer 2d board combat pvp turn-based combat local multiplayer singleplayer anime / manga
License: n/a
Platforms: iPhone / iPad, PC
Release: 2019
Rating: 9.8/10
board strategy / tactics fixed / flip-screen turn-based cards menu structures contemporary casual strategy cats solitaire tabletop singleplayer cute puzzle / logic 2d cartoon colorful hand-drawn pvp resource management tutorial multiplayer local multiplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 2018
Rating: n/a
cards strategy / tactics diagonal-down fixed / flip-screen turn-based trading / collectible card point and select science-fiction strategy deckbuilding board tactical turn-based tactics wargame 2d hand-drawn tabletop turn-based combat singleplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC
Release: 2023
Rating: 7.3/10
cards adventure strategy / tactics top-down-perspective fixed / flip-screen turn-based point and select fantasy card battle deckbuilding roguelike role-playing strategy 2d pvp history turn-based combat magic medieval mythology local multiplayer multiplayer singleplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC, Switch, iPhone / iPad, Android
Release: 2019
Rating: 8.9/10
board strategy medieval strategy / tactics diagonal-down 2d scrolling fixed / flip-screen turn-based direct control point and select europe tabletop cards casual simulation turn-based strategy turn-based tactics wargame 2d hand-drawn fantasy history war pvp tutorial multiplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, iPhone / iPad
Release: 2008
Rating: 7.8/10
cards fantasy strategy / tactics top-down-perspective turn-based board trading / collectible card strategy card battle multiplayer replay value 2d pvp local multiplayer puzzle / logic tabletop difficult deckbuilding touch-friendly
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 2024
Rating: n/a
cards deckbuilding strategy board tabletop card battle turn-based tactics fantasy 3d vision cute medieval anime / manga cartoon stylized war politics history atmospheric pvp
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac, Android, iPhone / iPad
Release: 2021
Rating: 6.8/10
cards strategy / tactics fixed / flip-screen point and select simulation casual strategy tabletop deckbuilding 2d multiplayer local multiplayer singleplayer pvp solitaire card battle trading / collectible card
License: n/a
Platforms: iPhone / iPad, PC
Release: 2017
Rating: 6.9/10
board deckbuilding word game cards tabletop casual strategy hand-drawn romance pvp multiplayer singleplayer asynchronous multiplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: iPhone / iPad, Mac, PC, Android
Release: 2018
Rating: 7.3/10
board cards fantasy strategy / tactics 1st-person-perspective turn-based point and select strategy deckbuilding roguelite dungeon crawler trading / collectible card role-playing 2d medieval casual puzzle / logic cartoon roguelike singleplayer turn-based strategy hand-drawn score attack
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac, iPhone / iPad, Android
Release: 2016
Rating: 7.1/10
management strategy cards science-fiction strategy / tactics fixed / flip-screen deckbuilding co-op turn-based alien 4 player local comedy local co-op local multiplayer class-based asynchronous multiplayer multiplayer tabletop board space difficult funny cartoon
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac
Release: 2016
Rating: 7.7/10
board strategy cards fantasy steampunk strategy / tactics top-down-perspective turn-based tabletop multiplayer competitive turn-based strategy moddable satire singleplayer replay value politics 2d atmospheric great soundtrack hand-drawn comedy card battle
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 2019
Rating: 4/10
cards strategy board massively multiplayer turn-based strategy turn-based tactics 2d fantasy pvp tabletop multiplayer singleplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: iPhone / iPad, Mac, PC, Android
Release: 2016
Rating: 7.1/10
cards strategy strategy / tactics top-down-perspective fixed / flip-screen turn-based point and select fantasy deckbuilding lovecraftian board
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, PS4, iPhone / iPad, Xbox One, Android
Release: 2020
Rating: 8.4/10
cards fantasy strategy / tactics top-down-perspective turn-based trading / collectible card board strategy role-playing multiplayer deckbuilding pvp singleplayer nudity sexual content great soundtrack difficult card battle casual atmospheric mature
License: n/a
Platforms: iPhone / iPad, PC, Mac
Release: 2021
Rating: 9/10
board anime / manga deckbuilding cards tabletop strategy singleplayer multiplayer pvp 2d puzzle / logic turn-based tactics japanese-style rpg (jrpg) casual foreign romance cute female protagonist modern lgbtq+
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 2021
Rating: 8/10
cards strategy tabletop turn-based strategy card battle trading / collectible card 2d fantasy ecology / nature turn-based combat deckbuilding pvp multiplayer casual board solitaire turn-based tactics colorful hand-drawn