Halo 4, the fourth installment of the Halo franchise, is a thrilling first-person shooter game that has captured the hearts of players around the world. This game takes players on a journey as Master Chief, a super-soldier who must take on an ancient alien threat to save humanity. The game boasts stunning visuals, epic multiplayer battles, and an engaging storyline. It's no surprise that players love this game - after all, who wouldn't want to save the world while wielding advanced technology and badass weapons? And on this website, you can find more games like Halo 4 to satisfy all your gaming needs. So, put on your Spartan armor and get ready to take on the universe - it's time to play some Halo 4 (and more)!Games like Halo 4 are shown below. The sorting is based on similarity which is highlighted on the left side.
Rating: 7.2/10
Platforms: Xbox 360, PC
Release: 2020
1st-person-perspective 6 3d 3 action 7 first-person shooter 4 science-fiction 6 shooter 6 Team-Based 1 behind view 2 direct control 2 war 2 multiplayer 1 great soundtrack 1 singleplayer 1 co-op 1 lore-rich 1 story rich 1 epic 1 atmospheric 1 memes 1
In this list you find games that are similar to Halo 4 without any filter. The sorting is based on similarity which you see on the left side.
#1 Halo 3: ODST
#2 Halo: Reach
#3 Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
#4 Black Mesa
#5 Tribes: Vengeance
#6 Halo 2
#7 Halo: Combat Evolved
#8 Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
#9 Tribes: Ascend
#10 The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
#11 Titanfall
#12 Titanfall 2
#13 Halo 3
#14 Unreal Tournament III
#15 Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II
#16 Half-Life: Source
#17 Judge Dredd: Dredd VS Death
#18 Unreal Tournament 2003
#19 Crysis 3
#20 Resistance: Burning Skies
If you want to play a game like Halo 4 on your iOS system, so on iPhone or iPad, here is a list of five games that may fit.
Shadowgun Legends
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Marathon 2: Durandal
Duke Nukem 3D
If you are searching for a game like Halo 4 for your Android device like tablet or smartphone, this list may be interesting for you.
Crysis 3
Shadowgun Legends
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Half-Life 2: Episode One
The Conduit
Here you find a list of games like Halo 4 that are playable on your Xbox or Xbox One.
Halo: Reach
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Titanfall 2
Crysis 3
Here you find a list of games like Halo 4 that are playable on your Playstation 3,4 or 5.
Titanfall 2
Crysis 3
Star Wars Dark Forces
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy