License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC, Switch, iPhone / iPad, Android
Release: 2019
Rating: 8.9/10
board strategy medieval strategy / tactics diagonal-down 2d scrolling fixed / flip-screen turn-based direct control point and select europe tabletop cards casual simulation turn-based strategy turn-based tactics wargame 2d hand-drawn fantasy history war pvp tutorial multiplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac
Release: 2021
Rating: 7.4/10
strategy / tactics top-down-perspective 2d scrolling turn-based board wargame point and select world war ii strategy tabletop turn-based strategy turn-based tactics history asynchronous multiplayer co-op local co-op local multiplayer multiplayer online co-op military war naval / watercraft world war i 2d pvp
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 1985
Rating: 6/10
strategy world war ii strategy / tactics top-down-perspective history historical events board real-time strategy tabletop turn-based tactics wargame 2d minimalist 1980s military old school tactical war singleplayer simulation
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC
Release: 2023
Rating: 8.6/10
strategy turn-based strategy / tactics top-down-perspective free-roaming camera turn-based strategy (tbs) multiple units/characters control cold war wargame political sim pvp turn-based strategy grand strategy 2d history alternate historical simulation military colorful war singleplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 2020
Rating: n/a
strategy turn-based strategy / tactics 1st-person-perspective board turn-based strategy (tbs) point and select turn-based strategy turn-based tactics 2d top-down-perspective fantasy tactical war building hex grid turn-based combat singleplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC
Release: 2021
Rating: 6.5/10
strategy turn-based strategy / tactics top-down-perspective fixed / flip-screen arcade board point and select world war ii war tabletop wargame turn-based strategy singleplayer history tanks turn-based tactics turn-based combat 2d old school tactical hex grid combat level editor
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac
Release: 2017
Rating: 6.3/10
strategy / tactics diagonal-down top-down-perspective 2d scrolling isometric turn-based wargame menu structures point and select historical events north america war strategy board history
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac
Release: 2022
Rating: n/a
strategy wargame war world war ii pvp board tabletop simulation top-down-perspective multiplayer singleplayer military tactical combat hex grid level editor turn-based combat turn-based tactics
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 2021
Rating: 7/10
board strategy educational strategy / tactics diagonal-down top-down-perspective chess tabletop turn-based strategy retro pixel graphics 2d 3d grid-based movement abstract colorful family friendly logic tactical pvp multiplayer singleplayer asynchronous multiplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac
Release: 2017
Rating: 7.5/10
strategy world war ii war grand strategy military simulation multiplayer massively multiplayer tactical history diplomacy real-time strategy wargame co-op 2d pvp board real-time alternate historical
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC
Release: 2019
Rating: 8/10
strategy strategy / tactics top-down-perspective turn-based turn-based strategy (tbs) wargame cold war spy / espionage simulation political sim politics alternate historical diplomacy tactical singleplayer war history multiplayer great soundtrack 4x board turn-based strategy military
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac
Release: 2015
Rating: 7.9/10
strategy turn-based strategy / tactics top-down-perspective board war turn-based strategy multiplayer 2d singleplayer history moddable casual diplomacy
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac, iPhone / iPad
Release: 2018
Rating: 8.7/10
board strategy alternate historical strategy / tactics diagonal-down turn-based 4x point and select fantasy multiplayer tabletop mechs hex grid turn-based strategy science-fiction steampunk world war i history singleplayer character customization beautiful hand-drawn tactical pvp
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC
Release: 2022
Rating: 7.5/10
strategy turn-based strategy / tactics top-down-perspective turn-based strategy (tbs) wargame historical events world war ii war turn-based strategy 2d history military turn-based combat singleplayer multiplayer grand strategy alternate historical pvp simulation
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 2021
Rating: 8.6/10
simulation strategy turn-based strategy world war ii wargame war history alternate historical military hex grid online co-op board tactical turn-based tactics moddable pve pvp turn-based combat 2d multiplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: PC, Mac
Release: 2019
Rating: 5.7/10
board simulation strategy / tactics diagonal-down turn-based wargame point and select classical antiquity historical events strategy turn-based strategy history
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC, iPhone / iPad
Release: 2017
Rating: 8.9/10
board strategy / tactics top-down-perspective fixed / flip-screen strategy tabletop turn-based procedural generation turn-based strategy cards casual puzzle / logic grand strategy 2d minimalist fantasy history retro tactical war singleplayer difficult
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC
Release: 2021
Rating: n/a
strategy turn-based turn-based tactics wargame war world war ii military tanks pvp turn-based strategy board tabletop 2d top-down-perspective history turn-based combat simulation tactical combat multiplayer
License: n/a
Platforms: Mac, PC
Release: 2019
Rating: 7.1/10
board simulation strategy / tactics diagonal-down turn-based wargame point and select historical events medieval strategy history turn-based strategy epic
License: n/a
Platforms: PC
Release: 1986
Rating: 7/10
real-time strategy vietnam simulation strategy / tactics top-down-perspective real-time strategy historical events board turn-based strategy wargame 2d 1980s history military old school retro war world war ii